http://beautifulmindsinc.com/test-3/ Displays specific page or post url id (required)
Displays specific media url id (required)
http://beautifulmindsinc.com/wp-content/themes/mega2 Displays current theme url none http://beautifulmindsinc.com/wp-content/themes/mega2
http://beautifulmindsinc.com Displays current site url none http://beautifulmindsinc.com
http://beautifulmindsinc.com/test-3/ Displays current page url. (it will show the url of page/post being viewed) none http://beautifulmindsinc.com/test-3/
http://beautifulmindsinc.com/test-3/ Displays current page’s parent url. (if the page is the parent it will just show its url) none http://beautifulmindsinc.com/test-3/
http://beautifulmindsinc.com/wp-content/themes/mega2/style.css Displays css/stylesheet url none http://beautifulmindsinc.com/wp-content/themes/mega2/style.css
http://beautifulmindsinc.com/wp-login.php redirect_page login url
Optional: You can set page redirection to home or current page or leave as is. redirect [values = ‘home’ or ‘current’] (optional) http://beautifulmindsinc.com/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fbeautifulmindsinc.com or http://beautifulmindsinc.com/wp-login.php

Allow output of current target language, useful for example in including specific images for specific languages
[tpe mylang] will output the current language

[tpe mylang lang=’he,es’] will output the current language, but only in Spanish or Hebrew

Allow output of current target locale, useful for example in including specific scripts
[tpe locale] will output the current locale

this will make facebook load the appropriate locale files

an example for using this is when you have an image, and a translation of said image to a few languages, you can use something like

[tpe widget=”subswidget”] for example, [tpe widget=”flags/tpw_flags.php”]

Widget shortcode – will output the widget

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